Originally taking place in Banff, Canada, Mae + Zach had to pivot their wedding when COVID-19 forced the borders to close. You can only imagine their excitement over celebrating the beginnings of their marriage among the Canadian glacier lakes the Rocky Mountains that tower over the land.
…so you can continue to imagine their disappointment when COVID became a thing that was out to destroy with purpose. Borders closed. Dreams faded. Hopes diminished.
You still with me here!? I promise this wondrous story is just about to take off. And it’s going to reveal one of the most intimate and intentional ways to write out that chapter 1 of marriage.
It’s going to be GOOD.
Long story short, in scrambling to find a new elopement spot, Mae discovered the beauty of the North Cascades area in Washington State. And boy was it PERFECT. Glacier lakes, towering mountains, wildflowers, cabins in the woods…oh wait. This sounds pretty similar to that Canadian dream, eh?
YOU BET IT DOES. Because God knew why He was doing and couldn’t have prepared a better, more ideal spot to make this dream a reality!
Let’s fast forwards things a bit to the DAY OF:
Clear, sunny skies, perfect temperature, bacon and eggs…
YEP. That’s how we started the morning. Me, my friend Taylor (who came along with me for adventure and turned into the best assistant and hair + make up women ever) the videographers, Mae + Zach took the morning slow. Waking up at sunrise to head over to the cabin to make breakfast together and help with the getting ready process. It. Was. GLORIOUS. I can’t say I have had many brides cook breakfast for me, but I felt like a blessed photographer that morning.
Mae and Zach decided to have a first look before running off to do their ceremony, and had a private little moment in the trees right behind the cabin as the sun began to rise over the hills. Mae wanted to surprise Zach with not just her dress, but even more so the COLOR of the dress. Mae made her dress her own by bringing it in to match her style. A black skirt?? See this is why eloping is the best. You an do whatever you want!
We all piled into our cars and headed over to the Mt. Baker area so get this sweet couple all married up! It can be easy to think elopement ceremony are sweet and simple. And they CAN be, but they can also be the most personal and intentional ceremonies – even more so than bigger weddings.
And that’s EXACTLY what Mae + Zach’s ceremony was.
At some point during the ceremony they both looked over at us vendors and took a moment to thank us. At this point Mae noticed me wiping my eyes and through laughter asked if I was crying. I replied simply:
“I AM NOT CRYING. I’M SOBBING.” Because it’s true. I was.
From their vows to way the officiant created such a intimate and known space. It was to to good. My heart was full. My even revealed that her skirt was REMOVABLE! So she could wear a white dress during the ceremony – a secret hope of Zach’s 😉
And here comes some of the best parts of the day:
We decided last minute to flip the schedule around: (see again, eloping is best) Go back to the cabin, change, grab lunch, and chill until closer to sunset where we can venture out again for pictures.
So we did just that. Everyone came back to the cabin. Mae and Zach put on some comfy clothes, we all went and got pizza, came back and took naps on the porch, did some handstands, had a dance party, and just enjoyed taking the day slowly. It was one of my favorite days yet.
No rules. No pressure. Just togetherness.
We ended the day explore more of Mount Baker and all the wonder it carries with it. Hiking over cliffs, snowball fights, Mae and Zach washing each others feet in a lake in an act of servitude. It was all SO beautifully intimate, relaxed, and exactly who Mae and Zach are. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day and I will forever cherish every second of memories I carry with me.
P.S. We also went and checked out a Glacier Lake for a min day after session so they could still get pictures at a super blue lake…It was glorious!


Videographer: Seven Foot Films
Officiant: Best Day Ever Officiant
Cabin: Mt. Baker Lodging
National Park: North Cascades National Park